Services for Individuals
Below are some of the services we facilitate for researchers and students within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through Maeen Network Identity Federation. Individuals studying or working at any of the Maeen Network Identity Federation Members are eligible to use these services.
Sonoma State University
Offering computational chemistry software.
Services for Institutes
We offer the following services for academic, research and governmental institutes within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in support for IT departments to achieve set goals.
Maeen Network
Offering high speed Internet connection and connections to global National Research and Education (NRENs) in other countries.
Maeen Network
Offering Single-Sign-On (SSO) access to a worldwide variety of research and educational services.
Maeen Network
Offering state-of-the-art cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).
Maeen Network
Offering a high portfolio of security services including vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, web scanning, audits, consultation, and Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP).